Helping to make insurance human

What was the problem?
This was a large project to solve several issues:
Working alongside UX and Content designers I was tasked with bringing User Centred Design principles into the insurance industry and beginning the creation of our first digital design system.
Defining 'Best practice'
The way we were capturing common information (e.g. Postal address) differed vastly across our estate, each with analytical benefits and drawbacks. At the start of this project I worked alongside the UX and content designers to create several variations for our key interactions that we could put in front of our users to generate qualitative experience metrics.
Creating our UI component system
I was very interested in the atomic design system materials at this point so created the new design system structure from this basis of thinking. Starting with smaller, more granular details (Colour, typeface), molecules (Form style templates) and building these up into our organism structures.
Creating our brochureware site
As a first step I iterated and experimented with the brochureware parts of the website so that I could get the feel of the brand components and see how these UI elements start to work and feel in composition with one another.
Creating our purchasing journeys
Once we were happy with the direction our web experience was heading in, we wanted to validate the direction we were heading in by creating the flows for our purchasing journeys. These experiences had to still feel connected to the major brand but allow our users to focus on their task at hand.
Creating our user accounts
The final step was to bring all of this together within our user account areas.